The source for independent value opinions

We believe in communicating with our clients about the value-related issues involved with their business and tailor our engagement to specifically meet those needs. We are your “bridge” to applying relevant, credible, and supportable value opinions for Machinery & Equipment.

Our role is to perform appraisals and analyses in an impartial, professional capacity. We provide value conclusions based on diligent research, detailed comparison and logical analyses that are unbiased and dependable. Technically, we can not act as advocates for our clients, but we are advocates for our conclusions.

Our final work product can take many forms. Some clients prefer an electronic copy of our narrative report and some prefer multiple bound hard copies. In some cases, no written narrative report is required. Certain engagement results are best communicated in a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet, while others require a customized Microsoft® Access database. We are equipped with the most up-to-date software and hardware and are technically proficient with a wide variety of data formats.

Our engagements are not limited by our physical location. While our business office is located in Portland, Oregon, we have performed services for clients all over the world.


When appraising subject assets, three traditional valuation methodologies are considered: the Cost Approach, the Sales Comparison Approach, and the Income Approach. One or more of these approaches are utilized depending on the type of property, the intended use of the appraisal, the identified scope of work, and the quantity and quality of data available for our analysis. LEARN MORE

Machinery & Equipment

Tangible property is a vital contributor to most businesses and service organizations. Without them, the retailer has no place to display his products, the manufacturer has no machines, and the transportation company has no trucks. In short, there is no business. LEARN MORE